Cough Remedies

You know it’s time to look for help when you or your child has a cough that just won’t go away. Coughing is the body’s way of trying to clear out the airways, and can often be caused by colds and flu (upper respiratory tract infections). Nyal is a trusted Aussie brand with a range of cough medicine specifically formulated for dry cough, chesty cough or even bronchitis cough. Let’s take a closer look at these types of coughs below and how Nyal can help you and your family when cold and flu season comes around.

Dry cough

We know coughing is the body’s way of trying to clear out the airways – a protective reflex if you will. Let’s explore the different types of cough you might see pass through your household. First up, dry cough.

Dry cough, also known as unproductive cough, is the type of cough that you or your child might describe as a tickle in the throat. It is usually called a dry cough because it generally doesn’t produce mucus.

When you have a cold, postnasal drip can trigger your cough reflex. What is postnasal drip you ask? It’s when mucus from the nose drips down or flows along the back of the throat… and hence your body’s reflex is to cough to get rid of it. It may also explain having a sore throat and cough.

Next time you have that scratchy feeling and tickle in your throat, or you are trying to settle your child when their cough gets in the way of a good night’s sleep, try Nyal Dry Cough Medicine for soothing relief from dry irritating coughs associated with colds and flu, and sore throats. Suitable for adults and children over 6 years.

Chesty cough

What about a chesty cough? These can occur when an upper respiratory infection spreads to the lower airways and triggers mucus production. Hence when a cough does produce mucus, it’s called a wet or productive cough. You might even consider calling it a phlegm cough.

When looking for relief of a chesty cough, whether it’s for you or someone in your family, try Nyal Chesty Cough Medicine  to help loosen phlegm and clear chesty coughs associated with colds and flu. Suitable for adults and children over 6 years.

When you or someone in your family experience a bronchial cough, try Nyal Bronchitis Cough Medicine, which contains a mild expectorant that provides soothing temporary relief from coughing associated with colds. Suitable for adults and children over 6 years.

Next time you go to the grocery store, look for Nyal – the trusted Aussie brand with a range of cough remedies so you can be ready for the next cold and flu season.

Frequently asked questions about cough


A dry cough is one that doesn’t produce mucus or phlegm. It is also known as an unproductive cough.


Try Nyal Dry Cough Medicine for soothing relief from dry irritating coughs associated with colds and flu.


Try Nyal Chesty Cough Medicine to help loosen phlegm and clear chesty coughs.
